Thursday, June 17, 2010

Spotter activation is likely

The National Weather Service is predicting potential doom and gloom for us later this afternoon and evening. We are in the moderate risk bullseye for heavy rain, large hail, straightline winds and tornadoes — or we may get nothing. Storm spotters haven't been activated yet but we are in "activation likely" status.

Predicting the weather is not an exact science, in spite of all the modern technology. We're talking about Mother Nature, after all, and like any independent-minded woman, she will do as she pleases.

It was almost 12 years ago that we got hit by the worst summer storm I've ever experienced. On June 28, 1998, a straightline wind storm blew through the area and destroyed barns, machine sheds, silos, fences, a windmill and grain handling and storage equipment at our farms. Cattle were killed when the barn fell on them at our place. Machinery was damaged by falling buildings and flying debris. We lost windows in the house and too many trees to count.

We spent the rest of that summer cleaning up, burning, repairing and rebuilding. It's not something I ever want to do again.

So far, my career as a National Weather Service storm spotter has been relatively uneventful. As much as I love watching violent weather, it's never something I would deliberately wish for.

I should probably just go home and check the predictions of my furry storm-o-meter, Jamie. He will tell me what's coming, when it's coming and how bad it's going to be. Phoenix is fairly worthless as a forecaster. He just thinks everything is exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed for you to see something super cool that doesn't get anywhere near your farm!!
