I went down to Mom's today, just to spend a day with her and my aunt. We visited the cemetery where Dad and my grandparents are buried. They had 150 veterans' flags on display. I'm not big into cemeteries but with 25-30 mph winds snapping the flags, they were really pretty.

This is Dad's flag (yeah, I know, it looks like all the others but it does have his name printed on the binding). It was the first one as we drove into the cemetery. I asked Mom if she walked around and looked at the name on 150 flags before she found it. She said no, she just got lucky and found it right away. It's in a different place each year.
Silly Brindle kitten in a bag at Mom's.

And don't forget Hickory Park barbecue and ice cream Saturday night!
My stomach is already growling for HP!! I got my van re-arranged for next weekend. Now I just have to get things together over this week.