Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh look, a shiny object!

Here's the new view south of our house. The Farmer had a 20,000 bushel grain bin put up in early August. It replaces the old corn crib, which was the only building to survive the 1998 straight-line windstorm except our house and cement block machine shed. It was rickety and rotten and full of raccoons. Apparently they were very fat raccoons that kept the corn crib from blowing away.

They are about half done with the new bin in this picture. The whole thing went up in 2 days. The crew showed up at 7 a.m. and worked until 7 p.m. I thought I was going to have to invite them in for supper!

All done. I took this pic just before we got hit by a severe T-storm cell a few weeks ago. The Farmer was a little paranoid about the whole new building/bad weather combo since last spring, he had just finished construction on the hoop building (hay barn) when we got a severe T-storm that tore it to pieces. He mumbled something about wanting a picture "for insurance purposes" and I ran out to snap a few shots before the lightning started. Yeah, I know the sky is blue in this picture. That's how fast the weather can change around here.

I figure I can climb the stairs up to the top to do my storm spotting. Or maybe not.


  1. WOW!!! That IS shiny!! Do you have to polish it? Or is that the "farmers" job? G It does look like a nice view station...but seeing how you handle winding roads, I'm not thinking you are going to fair with heights much better!! LOL

  2. How nice of him to build you a storm spotting tower!!! The farmer rocks!!
