Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Living for the moment

Today I am a lazy blogger. Check out Susan Garrett’s blog at http://susangarrettdogagility.com/ She has written two great posts about the competitive evolution of dog trainers (July 27 and 28).

In regard to the final stage of this evolution, Susan writes on July 28: “We have moved to a mental place where we enjoy the sport for how beautiful we can make it with our dog. Competing never results in dissatisfaction with the dog regardless of the outcome and all disappointments are experiences we learn from and then dismiss.”

For a long time, I defined success by wins and titles. It was tremendously important to me to have a dog who was nationally ranked, to be invited to the NOI, to carry home my obedience club’s “Highest Scoring Dog” trophy year after year (just another thing to dust; really, why did I want it so badly?!). I seemed to be in a constant state of elation or frustration, depending on the outcome of any given trial (both obedience and agility, I believed in equal opportunity angst).

As the years brought more experiences, I realized my criteria needed to change before I made myself totally crazy — not my training criteria but my “success” criteria. What an absolute relief it was to give myself permission to STOP OBSESSING about being perfect, always winning, being number one, etc. That’s not to say I don’t still train for those “outcome goals” as defined by wins and titles because I certainly do, but they are no longer the solitary focus of my training and showing. And that's why I can look back on our recent 0 for 8 agility weekend and joy of being in the ring and the lessons I learned from it and say, "That was a GOOD weekend!"

So go read Susan Garrett’s thoughts because they’re worth your time. And they’re totally cool. And you might laugh when you recognize yourself in them.

Tomorrow I’ll quit being lazy and come up with something original. Phoenix’s new Invince-A-Bell has arrived (finally!), the Farmer is putting up a gi-normous grain bin at our house and the sweetcorn is ripening. Life is good.


  1. Ain't that the truth! It's about HAVING FUN and the rest will fall into place. If not, who really cares! Who will remember in 1 week, 1 month, 1 year or 100? What's most important is enjoying the moment! If you were perfect ALL the time, where would the fun be in that? Besides, we need people to do 'stupid' things so we can make fun of them! VBG

  2. LIke the Whichmann Whirl!! It is all about the fun, friendships, FOOD and thank Dog my dogs brought me to knowing so many great people. Yes, the Q's are nice but it's nicer when shared with friends. Life is good!

  3. SWEET CORN!!!!!!!! (ok... see what I got from that post? I AM food motivated!!)

    Fun with your dogs and your friends - that's what counts. We are VERY fortunate!
